Saturday, February 5, 2011

Yet another heart touching scene

I think most of my great lessons learnt are from my to and fro travel in local train to workplace. Yet another one....

It was Friday- 04 Feb 2011... i ran to board the just starting train from my stop...
I could hear a loud voice preaching... Could not see the face as it was crowded a lil. The words that i heard were "Let God give us patience to learn and understand each other -- I can never become rich and you can never become poor like me... hence kindly help ......." . He was a very old man with long white beard and bushy and messy hair.

Dono why.. i could hear those words echoing again and again in mind.... i kept looking at him... as few people were giving him coins... An excellent dictating and commanding voice and words... I started thinking what made this educated elderly person to this state... As i kept wondering he moved to way out and got down at the next stop...

I wish to speak to him if i happen to see him next time...

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