Saturday, December 5, 2009

Come on it is time to be Positive... Atleast at times.. and let it be now.

Life through out has gone in complaining.... about things around, about parents, friends, teachers, food, clothing, blah, blah, blah.. Will there not be a time when everything around us look beautiful and just the way we want..

The longing to see things come our way has turned our lip boat upside down :( cribbing has given us a pleasure but a very bad urge of doing it more often, Bickering has become part and parcel of everyday's life.. which only also created a fear.. "would others also do the same about me the way I do about them?????????"

Point that started in confusion gave no end, but - a lead to another confusion...

I asked myself - "Can i not be Positive??? yaar atleast at times????

Now come on let that time be RIGHT NOWWWWWWWW............

My Life my way..........Yo!!!!!!!!!!